The FTC Rules
Inspection Checklistn
FTC Social Media Outlets
Documentation and Communication
Engineering Notebook
Game Manual Part 1
7.3.2 What is an Engineering Notebook? One of the goals of FIRST and FTC is to recognize the engineering design process and “the journey” that a Team makes during the phases of the problem definition, concept design, system-level design, detailed design, test and verification, and production. Throughout the process of building and designing a Robot, Teams will come across obstacles, lessons learned, and the need to draw things out on paper. This is where Teams will use an Engineering Notebook. These notebooks follow the Team from kickoff throughout the Competitions. Judges review a Teams Engineering Notebook to better understand the journey, design, and Team as a whole. The FTC Engineering Notebook is a complete documentation of the Team’s Robot design. This documentation should include sketches, discussions and Team meetings, design evolution, processes, obstacles, and each Team member’s thoughts throughout the journey for the entire season. A new notebook should be created for each new season. |
Engineering Notebook Requirements7.3.4 Engineering Notebook Requirements
1. The Team Number and Team Name must appear on the outside of the Engineering Notebook. Engineering Notebooks will not be considered without this information. 2. Attach a summary page to the front cover of the Engineering Notebook. The summary should be a brief, one page narrative about the Team, the school or organization, and an overview of the highlights of the Team’s season. The Team summary page should also include the Team number and point the Judges to pages in the Engineering Notebook that the Team would most like the Judges to consider. 3. The Engineering Notebook must be divided into multiple sections, including: a. An Engineering Section that includes the Robot design processes. b. A Team Section that includes information about the Team and outreach activities. c. A business plan, strategic plan or sustainability plan. |
Sample Notebooks |
Programming and Control Systems
FTC Team Resources |
Other Resources |
Android Specs
Next Gen Platform Team and Mentor Guide
FTC Training Manual - Java Programming for the NextGen Controller
GitHub: ftc_app
GitHub: ftc_app_7373 FTC Android Network (a community in Oklahoma sharing info on the new Android system) FTC Tech Talk |
Design Resources
SolidWorksContact Coach Smith to find out how to get a home copy of SolidWorks 2015.
MathCad Prime 2.0 |
Prototyping, 3D Printing, Part Manufacture
3D Printing - Ask an Expert |
CNCCheck out what our new CNC mill can do.
Motors, Wiring and Power
MotorsNeveRest 40 motor - AndyMark (am-2964) specs
NeveRest 40 motor notes from Cougar Robotics
FTC Robots and Electrostatic Discharge |
Wiring and Power |
Building with TETRIX
How to Succeed at Judging
Judging: What to Expect
Judging Interview Skills
The Field
Robots for Outreach |
Tips and Tricks
Lots of help from Cougar Robotics, Team 4251, undefeated World Champions 2013